Creative writing club was launched in Term 6 and we have been having fun stringing words together every Wednesday after school. Between 7 and 12 students in Years 7 and 8 have been coming along and enjoying activities such as playing story consequences (basic plot creating practice); generating similes and comparisons by finding connections between random things: “Life is like a knife: there’s a blunt side and sharp side “; experimenting with pathetic fallacy: “The pitter patter of the rain made the leaves dance with relief” and writing a story around a set of 3 random elements: a character, a location and an object. The most challenging of these was a fisherman, a museum and an umbrella…
Our aim was to create a space where students could just write for pleasure and enjoy being creative with language. We have had many laughs, enjoyed listening to each other’s creations read aloud and hopefully whetted appetites for further literary endeavours in the future.
Next year we aim to have a series of competitions through the year to create work for; we hope to try our hands at writing a greater range of texts types and genres and to continue to develop enjoyment of language as a creative space.