Character Education

Each term, students are able to earn league points based on our College’s core values of Ambition, Endeavour and Respect. Points are awarded weekly to students as follows:


Attendance - A student who attends the full 5 days within a week gains 20 Attendance Points
Punctuality - Students who are on time to College and all lessons each week gain 20 Punctuality Points
Homework - Homework completion each week is worth 20 Homework Points


Character Points are also awarded by staff for students demonstrating our values

• In lessons
• For taking part in extracurricular clubs (1 point for each club attended each week), a list of our clubs can be found here
• For representing the College on trips e.g. sports fixtures 
• For acting as an ambassador to the College e.g. at Open Events/Lead Learners Days etc.

The Character Points awarded by staff can also be spent in the library with each Character point equating to 10p. Irrespective of how much a student spends, the total earned within the league period will still count towards their Character points score e.g. if a student earned 10 Character Points in a week from staff (worth £1) and then spent this on a skip the queue pass for lunch (at a cost of £1), they would still keep the 10 character points towards their league total.

The total character points awarded by staff to a student during the league period is added to the students total.

As students each Key Milstones for Points issued by teachers they are acknowledged as follows:

• 25 Character Points- Values card from your tutor
• 50 Character Points- Certificate from your Pastoral Leader
• 75 Character Points- Certificate from a member of SLT
• 100 Character Points-Certificate from the Vice Principal
• 200 Character Points- Certificate from the Principal
• 200 Character Points in all 3 categories Character Certificate from the Principal.

If a student earns 1 character card from each of our 3 values these should be taken to the library and they will be credited with an extra £1 to spend!


A student receives 40 character points if they have no behaviour points for the week.

The Character League

At the end of each term the students are ranked in their Year group according to the total points they have earned and placed into tiers. Students in tiers 1-3 are rewarded with an end of term trip/experience with tier 1 students getting the best trips.

At the start of each term the character points are reset enabling every student the opportunity for a fresh start and an equal chance of earning an end of term reward.

Respect Cards