14 December 2023

Curious About Climate

Year 7 and 8 students were visited by Babcock on Thursday 7th December in their science lesson to take part in Curious About Climate – The School Zero Creative Workshop.

Students were challenged to identify aspects of school life that could be changed to release less carbon. Student’s ideas ranged from recycling uniform, reusing board pens, having a school allotment, and changing the lunch menu to locally produced food. They had to present their ideas on a poster and speak about it to the class. They rose to the challenge and all groups had meaningful conversations about climate change and what small changes they could make to help the environment.

The students really engaged with the workshop and were a credit to themselves and the school.

Feedback from Babcock: ‘The students were really engaged with the session; we were impressed with the meaningful questions we had and the attitude towards global issues.’

Miss Cooper
Careers Coordinator