Mock exam success

Year 11 have just completed their last round of mock exams, in the lead up to their Summer GCSE's. Once again, the way they conducted themselves was exceptional, both in the exam warm ups and in the exam hall itself. This bodes really well for May, when they enter in the exam season for real! Students will now spend their time consolidating and building on their existing knowledge, by using a number of the College revision strategies:
• Cornell notes
• Past exam questions
• Flash cards
We are currently running a tutoring programme, Tuesday to Friday from 4pm until 5pm, as well as our Champions hour. If any student would like to access these, they just need to see Miss Williams. Students will receive bonus 'Prom Stars' for attendance, as well as the chance to win a voucher in our weekly draw. Easter revision sessions will also be running and more information will follow.

Students are working incredibly hard and now is the time for that final push. Good attendance and motivation are key. Engagement in lesson is imperative, to gain the most out of the upcoming weeks.

Miss Warring
Pastoral Leader