Sixth Form Plymouth University Visit

On 7th June, our Year 12 Sixth Form students visited Plymouth University for the day to learn about student life. The trip was not only educational but also provided a unique opportunity for our students to gain a first-hand insight into student life, explore degree options, and engage in an exciting hands-on activity.

The trip began with an engaging session where our students had the chance to learn about the diverse aspects of student life at Plymouth University. They visited lecture halls for the first time and gained valuable insights from current university students. The experience allowed them to understand the academic, social, and extracurricular opportunities available in higher education, helping them make more informed decisions about their future paths.

As part of their visit, our students were introduced to the process of choosing a degree that aligns with their interests and aspirations. Through informative sessions and discussions with faculty members and advisors, they were able to explore various subject areas and understand the potential career paths associated with each. This will be invaluable in guiding them towards making well-informed decisions about their future studies.

To give our students a comprehensive feel for university life, guided tours of the Plymouth University campus were organised. They had the opportunity to visit state-of-the-art facilities, including the impressive libraries, laboratories, sports facilities, and student accommodation. These tours showcased the vast resources and modern amenities available to students, creating a sense of excitement and anticipation for their future educational endeavours.

One of the highlights of the trip was the chance to step into the shoes of crime scene investigators at Plymouth University's new crime lab area. Our students had an amazing hands-on experience, donning lab coats and learning about forensic science techniques. Under the guidance of expert professors, they engaged in simulated crime scene investigations, analysing evidence, and piecing together clues to solve a fictional crime. This immersive activity not only fuelled their curiosity but also highlighted the exciting opportunities available in the field of forensic science.

Overall, the trip to Plymouth University was an incredible learning experience for our Sixth Form students. They gained valuable insights into student life, discovered different degree options, explored the campus, and delved into the fascinating world of crime scene investigation. We are confident that this trip has inspired our students and motivated them to pursue their academic and career goals with enthusiasm.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the faculty and staff of Plymouth University for organising such an informative and engaging visit. We are grateful for their warm welcome, expertise, and dedication to providing a memorable experience for our students.

We look forward to sharing more enriching opportunities and experiences with our students in the future.

Mr A Sharpe
Head of Sixth Form